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The following survey questionnaire is designed and distributed by Doctical
The data processing is aimed at Publication des résultats à des fins médicales, congrès
Votre participation à l'enquête est libre. Les informations que vous communiquez sont limitées au strict minimum et anonymes.
Collection, recording, organization, preservation, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, alignment or interconnection, locking, erasure or destruction.
Données anonymes
These informations are directly collected from the person answering the questionnaire.
Data processing concerns natural and legal persons answering the questionnaire.
12 months
We continuously protect your information.
For this, we implement all necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your data, against any unauthorized access, modification, loss, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
These measures include:
Conforme à la réglementation RGPD, règlement européen relatif à la protection des données personnelles du 27 avril 2016.
The applicable regulation on data protection gives you specific rights that you can exercise, at any time and free of charge, to control the use we make of your data.
For a request to be considered, it is imperative that it is made directly by you at the following address dpo@doctical.com. Any request that is not made in this way cannot be processed.
Requests cannot come from anyone other than you. Therefore, we may ask you for proof of identity if there is any doubt about the identity of the requester.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible, within three months of receiving it, in case the request is technically complex or if we receive many requests at the same time.
Please note that we can always refuse to respond to any excessive or unfounded request, particularly with regard to its repetitive nature.
The data protection officer is your contact for any request to exercise your rights on this treatment.
Contact the officer by electronic means: dpo@doctical.com
You can contact the French supervisory authority for data protection (the "National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties" or "CNIL") at any time at the following address: Complaints service of the CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or by phone at
L’hébergement du site www.Doctical.com est assuré par la société Ovhcloud, SAS au capital de 10 174 560,00 € - RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 dont le siège est situé 2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 Roubaix Cedex1 - France. Nous ne transférons aucune donnée hors des l'UE
Non-automated decision making
Bienveillance et respect de votre vie privée sont le fondement de notre démarche. En conséquence, la sécurité du site et la politique de confidentialité sont essentielles à nos yeux.