NF-ATR request form



Application domains

Measurement domains

You are woking in Time-Domain if you are using an oscilloscope and/or in Frequency-Domain if you are using an ASA (Automatic Spectrum Analyzer) or a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer)

E-field measurement specifications

Minimum frequency of interest in GHz

Please indicate the minimum operating frequency relative to your frequency range of interest (that covers at least 80% of your current and near-future needs and not all your potential needs)


Maximum frequency of interest in GHz

Please indicate the maximum operating frequency relative to your frequency range of interest (that covers at least 80% of your current and near-future needs and not all your potential needs)


Minimum nominal power in dBm emitted by your Device Under Test (DUT)

Please indicate the minimum power that is emitted by your main DUT of interest when use in normal conditions. In case of an array of antennas, please consider the whole array of antennas.


Maximum power in dBm that could emit your DUT without damage nor saturation

Please indicate the maximum power that could withstand your main DUT of interest when use, even if you have not got the required power source to reach such threshold.  In case of an array of antennas, please consider the whole array of antennas.


Surface of your emitting DUT of interest in cm²

 In case of an array of antennas, please consider the surface of the whole array of antennas (1 square inch = 6.45 cm²). For a DUT surface lower than 1 cm², set the value to 1 cm² and for a DUT surface > 100 cm², set the value to 100 cm².